Individual Bond Portfolios for Your Clients
RIAs across the country collaborate with Performance Trust for tailored solutions aimed at enhancing their ability to offer individual bond portfolios. Many of the advisors we work with are expanding firms that utilize Performance Trust's resources to help them meet their clients' needs for more customized strategies. Advisors leverage our Shape Management framework and portfolio tools to offer individual bond proposals for their clients. The process helps develop taxable and tax-free model portfolios designed for integration into client strategies, depending on each advisor's objectives and needs.
Scalable Fixed Income Support for RIAs
A Proprietary Fixed Income Framework
Legacy Portfolio Analysis
Client Proposals
Broad Network of Execution Services
End-to-End Operational Support
Access to Credit Rating Changes
Educational Opportunities
Shape Management: A Total Return Framework for Fixed Income Portfolios
Learn more about our proprietary, math-based fixed income framework.
Building on a rich 30-year history working with institutions, the RIA Group has spent the last decade designing fixed income solutions for RIAs.
Performance Trust RIA Group has identified the challenges and overcome the limitations that have historically stood in the way of an RIA offering a scalable solution to their clients.
Elevate Your Brand in a Competitive Market
Clients are increasingly seeking customized solutions beyond fund and ETF allocations. Offering individual bond strategies may help set you and your firm apart by providing more personalized options. Performance Trust can assist in conducting legacy portfolio analysis or provide the tools to help you construct bond proposals for your clients.