a small boat in the water


The Analytical Engine Driving Our Methodology

With a disciplined, objective approach to measuring institution cash flows, clients see the impact of their decisions in all rate scenarios. Our eight analytical principles guide all areas of the CIA team in creating tools that identify timely industry insights to form customized strategies for our clients designed to help achieve their short-term and long-term goals. Each part of the CIA team brings expertise in a different area of balance sheet management, and, when brought together, can make an extraordinary impact to your bottom line.

Our Process

CIA Team


Insights & Analytics

Asset Liability Management

Enterprise Risk Management

Bond Accounting

CIA Team

The analytical engine driving our firm forward must have all the gears working together to provide our clients with the necessary components for success. The CIA team is at the center of it all, helping to provide powerful insights and analytics so your institution can make better balance sheet decisions.

banking insights and analytics


Critical to all that we do, investing in our client's education is at the forefront. We work with them throughout the entire process providing tools and analytics which allow them to understand how the decisions they make today can impact their future success. Our most successful clients collaborate with our team to create long-term value for their institution. We invest in you, so you can invest in your community.

banking education

Insights & Analytics

Our timeless principles and methodology create a foundational process for our clients to make better decisions over time, giving them a glance into the future. Our Level Playing Field provides timely and actionable insights setting these insights in motion. We then shift to the Look-Forward process where we examine the options that exist for your institution's future success on a 1, 3, and 5-year horizon. Once those decisions are made, we Look-Back at the performance which helps to inform future decision-making. We follow this time-tested process all while making sure your portfolio decisions are being properly surveilled and executed.

insights and analytics

Asset Liability Management

Analytical alignment is paramount; without alignment to guide your asset-liability models, your quarterly asset-liability review is merely a compliance exercise. That is why we're focused on bringing you information to guide decisions, rather than to check a box. Enterprise Shape Management works with our clients to bring meaningful, institution-level data to guide your decision-making process so you can determine how individual strategies impact your overall institution's long-term performance.

enterprise shape management

Enterprise Risk Management

Financial institutions need a way to dynamically measure, manage, and defend their risk and regulatory positions in order to confidently pursue long-term performance. PT Score® is a strategic risk management platform focused on providing financial institutions with a straightforward way to evaluate their current and future risk to improve long-term value and performance.

enterprise risk management

Bond Accounting

A critical component to your institution's balance sheet strategy is what comes after execution. Bond Trust is our bond accounting solution; an integral touch point focused on bringing you clear, accurate bond accounting and monitoring mechanisms so you can be sure to continue to evaluate your implemented strategy.

bond accounting
a group of people sitting around a table with laptops

Analyst Development Program

Within CIA, we've created the Analyst Development Program to ensure all analysts at PT start with the same education around our methodology and analytical principles before working with clients. Once members graduate from the program, they go on to support our Balance Sheet Strategy, Investment Banking, Capital Markets, Trading, Enterprise Shape Management, Bond Trust, PT Score, and Analytics teams. This program positions us to bring you a consistent, time-tested approach to making decisions.